Saturday, January 31, 2009


On April 14, 2008, an event occurred that sent me into a tailspin of insecurity: I was defriended on Facebook. Now I know what you're thinking. "Stephanie, why in the world would anyone not want to be friends with you?" I know. I kept thinking the same thing, "Me?!?" So I guess you could say I didn't go into a tailspin of insecurity but instead felt the overwhelming shock of excessive self-esteem.

My Defriender was a "boy" I had known while doing children's theater camp. I was 14, then 15, and he was 13, then 14. We were in this camp for two summers, and he dated my sister. I sometimes found him annoying. He had this odd habit of exhaling loudly through his nose, and his voice had a honking quality to it. He was very preppy and lived in Brookline. I had not seen him since a camp reunion in 1983 and didn't hear from him or even keep tabs on him until he friended me that April. (I use the term 'friended' instead of 'befriended' because the former implies becoming a friend on Facebook, and the latter implies becoming friends in person. It's a whole new virtual vocabulary.)

He was very careful to write, "I ran out of high school friends and thought I'd move onto…" Wow. How very flattering. But I shouldn't complain; at least he remembered me after 28 years! As I started to write back to him, going on and on about our mutual friends at the Boston Conservatory, it suddenly dawned on me that I was confusing him with another Jeff. Oops. Sorry, dude. How very flattering to him...

We exchanged a few "hey-how've-you-been-over-the-last-three-decades" type emails, and he actually seemed very interesting: he is a witty writer and an environmental activist. He eventually disclosed that he was already showing some "addictive behaviors" where Facebook was concerned and that his girlfriend thought he was spending too much time on the site. I then happened to mention that I was going to be in New York, where he lives, in a week or so, and would he (and his girlfriend) like to meet for a drink.

I was defriended before I ever got a response.

I went into a mini-tizzy and asked both my brother and sister to search for him on the site. When we discovered that he was no longer on Facebook at all, I relaxed. He had left the site, not specifically defriended me. I'm sure I cared about this so much at the time because I only had about 30 friends on the site total.

Now that I have 162 friends, it's a different story entirely. I am the one who wants to do the de-friending. I could defriend 41 people on my Facebook right now and never miss them. I then could defriend another 11, have mixed feelings about it but still move on with my life. My Facebook has become unmanageable and it's losing its lustre. Checking status updates used to be an indulgent, voyeuristic pleasure. Now, between reading all the comments, stupid status updates and the like, it has become more of an obligation/pain in the ass. I have to scroll through quite a bit of junk in order to read the updates in which I'm interested.

In the fourteen months since I have been on the site, I've learned that there different categories of Facebook Friends. The first is People Who Are Already in Your Life whom you know and love. My brother and sister fall right into this category, as do David, Kim, Alyson, Molly, Gloria, John, Wendy, Lorryn, Bob, Nancy, Susan and more. This group is easy and obvious. There will be few difficulties hanging out with these people online because it's already been established that there are few difficulties hanging out with them in real life.

The next category, however, is more tricky: People Whom You Knew Once Upon a Time. These are people you never expected to see again in your lifetime after you graduated, moved away, or ended the run of that show. Now, thanks to the miracle of being friended on Facebook, the friendship has been given a second chance! This is a group that bears watching over time, like any new relationship. As your acquaintance with this group grows, the individuals in it will start to fall into sub-groups:

A. People I Didn't Know Well With Whom I Now Have Nothing in Common.
B. People I Didn't Know Well Who Now Seem Really Cool.
C. People Who Were Once Cool and Remain Cool.

The people in sub-category A, in my opinion, are damned to that position first and foremost by boring Status Updates, and the vast majority of the people I want to defriend fall into this category.

Each of these folks may have written that he or she is...
"knitting socks for her love."
"getting ready to do Q4 estimated taxes," followed by "is still doing taxes."
"configuring an HTL router."
"is so sick of the snow!!" followed by, "What's with all this snow?"

You get the idea. To me, the Status Update is the most important part of the Facebook. It connects us in our daily lives, and behind each of these updates lurk hearts and souls full of heartbreak, anxiety, hope and humor. Much humor, I might add. Each update might be a good or a gripe, a vent, a warning, a political opinion, an exclamation or a brag. It's through these little snippets of everyday life that I can glimpse into a person's mind and heart and decide whether or not I want to know him or her better. Relationships exist in the details, and if the details don't interest me, I'd prefer to move on.

In addition, people in subcategory A may have joined groups that I find offensive or stupid such as "Pray for the conversion of Barack Obama," "1,000,000 Against the Freedom of Choice Act," "1,000,000 for Defending Prop. 8," or "Fans of Sarah Palin." Now I'm not saying that I should have everything in common with my friends, but it would be nice to have something in common with them. Beyond that, I'd like to hope that my "friends" don't belong to organizations that step on my or anyone else's civil rights. That's a dealbreaker, in real life and online.

The next sub-category B, People I Didn't Know Well but Who Now Seem Really Cool, is by far the most fun. Tom (aka "please call me Tommy"), Damon, Erick, Justine and Jay fit into this one. Who knew Damon and Erick were so damn funny, especially with their references to pop culture? Who knew that Justine was into yoga and the books of Ruth Reichl and that Jay is so passionate about the rights of greyhounds? Not me, and I never would have had I not been able to engage various virtual dialogues with them.

Here's a story to further illustrate my point. I was on the phone with my friend Kevin, who is neither on Facebook, nor in possession of an email address (!) We were supposed to get together, but instead, he was now asking to bring me as his "crash date" to a pre-Christmas party at Tom's. I initially balked at the suggestion.

"Kevin," I said, "I haven't seen him in 26 years, and you want me to just go over his house uninvited??"

"Yes," he said. "I'm sure he would love to see you."

"You know, it's RIDICULOUS," I said, sounding like one of my students. "I read the stuff that he writes on Facebook and he is so funny and cool that I would love to get in touch with him or hang out with him more but it feels SO STUPID because it's been 25 years! And it's all online!!"

Kevin breathlessly responded, ala Jack McFarland, "OhmyGod, he said the exact same thing about you!!!"

So I crashed the party, and we had a grand old time. Tommy was as upbeat, witty and funny in person as he was online. Oh, and Phil joined us at 11, was a blast to hang out with, and so add him to sub-category B as well. A key to moving into sub-category B, by the way, is that the Facebook relationship is moving off of the computer and into real life. If it does, then you've struck Facebook gold with a new old friend.

The third and final sub-category C, the once-cool-always-cool people, includes Joanne, Doc, Nat, Nick, Thom, Abigail, Roy, Christopher, Rob, et al. They may or may not Facebook enough to my liking or the online relationship has not picked up steam. No matter, I like what they write when they write it. They seem not to have changed at all, since we graduated, moved away or ended the run of that show, and this is very reassuring.

Additionally, I have created a Friends List on FB called Close Friends. It's made up of people from the group, People Who Are Already in My Life and folks from sub-categories B (people who now seem cool) and C (once cool always cool). I don't necessarily define these Close Friends as people I'm actually close to. We may not live near each other. We may not have seen each other in 25 years, but something about YOU makes me feel that I can trust you. I can write about the goings-on in my life, share my thoughts and opinions with you, and you may actually be interested in reading them. If you, dear reader, can link to this blog from my Facebook Info tab, then guess what? It's because you made it into my list of Close Friends. (You didn't think I'd share that essay about my period with just anyone, did you??)

But let's get back to that first group and the point of this essay: the about-to-be-de-friended.

In a recent Boston Globe article about the idea of getting in touch with people via Facebook and then running out of things to say (see sub-category A), the author noted that on the Japanese equivalent site, Mixi, the goal is to have fewer friends, not more. I tried to verify this information online and found this random quote:

"... the Japanese people don't add you as friend just so they can have 300 online friends or more. On the other hand, (Facebook is) full of 'friends whores'. And when people on Mixi add you, they tend pay more attention to you, like for example, send you messages, comment on your blog entries, etc. Surely not the case on (Facebook, Friendster, MySpace) where they just add you and that's the end of the story."

I don't understand why Americans feel this need to be Friend Whores... especially at "our age." I can understand why my students have 595 friends. They're 15 years old, insecure and still unsure about their identities. They have as many friends of convenience as they have friends by choice. Hey, I was "friends" with my lab partners in high school, too; doesn't mean I want to go out for a beer with them now.

Because of the concept of having fewer friends not more, because of the boring status updates, and because my Facebook is becoming harder to handle, I'm considering the idea of Mixi-ing It Up. I'm debating defriending. I am keenly aware, however, that if I felt a sting of insecurity when I was defriended by a slightly-honking, loudly-exhaling, pussy-whipped boy/man whom I barely knew 28 years ago, what message could I perhaps be sending to the 50+ folks with whom I no longer wish to remain in contact? It feels like an odd combination of liberation and mean-spiritedness. I mean, it shouldn't hurt anyone's feelings, should it? I mean, it's just a stupid social website isn't it? I mean, it's not REAL.

Or is it?

The truth, as my story about Tommy illustrated, is that it is real in its own way. It is, in fact, a community of real people with real lives. The only thing that's changed is the medium with which I engage that community, but I don't have to hang out with everyone in the community just because we all find ourselves on a common website. If being "friends" with everyone who asks me interferes with my enjoyment of Facebook, then something's got to give. On the one hand, it seems a little insulting to defriend someone or not accept his or her friend request in the first place. On the other hand, there's an utter ridiculousness to the idea of being offended that someone you haven't spoken to or even thought about in twenty years doesn't want to keep in touch.

And so I admit, there are those I want to run out of my community. Run'em out on a rail! Since initially drafting this essay over two weeks ago (yes, I work on these pieces for weeks, days, hours at a time), I took a chance and defriended 17 people. I'd love to add them to subcategory d, Those Whom I Wish Well but Have Defriended, but I can't remember their names, nor have I heard from any of them again... which is probably just as it should be.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Just Beachy

I wrote this essay in September after my last weekend of summer but didn't finish it until now. I promised myself I'd post it on the coldest day in January, which believe you me, is today.

If the weather forecast is hot and sunny, I will be going to the beach. This summer I have been bound and determined to make the most of every possible beach day. We had a fair amount of rain as well, which made me appreciate the sunny days all the more. I have a core group of friends, all around my age and almost all without kids, who love to go to the beach as much as I do, so a few days before the weekend, depending on the weather, an email will go out with the subject "Beach Day" inviting any or all of us to go to a nearby beach. Could be Good Harbor, could be Crane; could be Saturday, could be Sunday, who knows. The anticipation is part of the fun. "Anyone interested in the beach Saturday? Thinking Good Harbor and dinner on Rocky Neck after. Meet at REI at 12:30. W/B if interested."

Like a firefighter or a pregnant Laura Petrie, I keep a beach bag packed and ready at all times. This bag contains essentials such as my beach towel, which I put right back into the bag as soon as it comes out of the laundry, and yet another bag, a Zip-loc, containing sunscreen, lip balm, allergy pills, some band aids and hand sanitizer. The bag just stays there, you know, in the bag. I keep the beach bag in my bedroom so when the beach day arrives, I can stick whatever book or magazine I'm reading, clothes, etc. right into it and GO! I also keep my beach chair and styrofoam boogie board in the car. I'm ready for any beach contingency, ready to fly out the door to Good Harbor or Crane, or even Rye or Humarock at a moment's notice.

"Beach Brain"

Despite the fact that I do read books and magazines at the beach, I have to confess that when I'm on my way there, my IQ seems to fall below a 70, and for those of you who aren't familiar with either educational testing or the term Hegna, a below-70 IQ isn't, I mean ain't, good. Here are some examples of what I affectionately call my "beach brain."

Throughout this past summer, I have been late to the carpool meeting spot 90% of the time. When I've arrived, I've had to use the ladies' room or buy iced coffee further delaying me and my posse. I've not packed mascara or a headband for going out afterward. I've forgotten snacks or my phone. I've forgotten to bring cold drinking water and have had to hope that the water I haphazardly dispensed from the tap might miraculously chill propped up against an ice pack, as my cooler sits baking in the sun. Today, I forgot both my T-shirt and my wallet! Last week, I had to turn back because I was convinced I'd left the iron on.

I have no idea why someone who is normally as organized and punctual as I am has so much trouble getting to the beach. I cannot seem to get my shit together on beach days! No wonder all those blondes in California seem so dippy. It's the overwhelming challenge of beach prep... or the sun, or the peroxide or a combination these.

They say that some people are late either due to arrogance or because they don't want to go where they're intended, but I assure you I love the beach too much to not want to arrive there on time and risk pissing off my beach peeps. I suspect that when faced with the prospect of spending an afternoon at the beach, some mechanism in my brain thinks that I'm already there, and my normally conscientious self just up and takes the day off. For example, I can sit at the beach and just sit. I can stand and look out to the horizon and not say a word for minutes on end. (For both me and the people around me, this is highly significant.) I guess that going to or being at the beach makes me a little stupid, and I have to say that I like it. No worries, no cares, no pressure. I'm thrilled to drop everything to do nothing in the sun.

"I look like the Wreck of the Hesperus"

My friend Kevin first turned me on to this phrase in college, 20+ years ago, and it still makes me laugh. Leave it to an intelligent, elegant man from New England to turn a heartbreaking Henry Wadsworth Longfellow poem about a fatal shipwreck into gay slang. (When you use this phrase, btw, you can weed out the intellectuals, New Englanders - OK Cantabrigians - and I guess, Brits, based on their response to it. Most people just say, "you look like the what??" Plebes and morons, the lot of them. But for the one or two people who immediately get it, it's a fabulously smart line.) Naturally, I adopted this phrase as my own, and it's a particular favorite during beach months, when I look like a complete and total MESS.

The Wreck of the Hesperus beautifully illustrates just how bedraggled and waterlogged I look after a day at the beach. The irony, though, is that I simply don't care how bad I look. I see that water and go right in, hairstyle be damned. The sad part is that even though my hair is naturally curly, it doesn't really dry that way without assistance. It dries in a combination of waves and curls from root through shaft but straightens into harsh points at the tips. Picture Medusa with shorter snakes. In addition, because I'm in the water so much, I use sunblock intermittently, so my skin becomes overly pink. I've lost weight, so I'm constantly adjusting the top of my bathing suit because it rides up, exposing more of my white belly than I care to share. I get sand all over my legs, salt in my hair and mouth, and develop more freckles as the day wears on. The wrinkles around my eyes are more pronounced. I don't wear any makeup. And despite the fact that I look like the Captain's daughter lashed to the mast off the reef of Norman's Woe, I think I'm gorgeous. If I don't look in any mirrors and avoid cameras, I can pretend I'm a nymph all day long.

"Middle-aged women on boogie boards"

I must admit I don't understand people who don't go in the water. I don't understand girls who won't get their hair wet. I don't know how these people can resist the lure of playing in the waves or riding on a boogie board. They certainly don't know what they're missing.

In New England, 'boogie board' is a catchall term for both an actual boogie board, which one balances on vertically in the surf at water's edge and a body board, on which one lies to ride waves. When I was a kid, we body-surfed. Today, it's "in" to use the styrofoam board for a better ride. And it's really, really "in" for the parents and other assorted grown-ups to use them at the beach more than the kids.

For these reasons, Susan D. is my favorite beach buddy. Though she's almost a decade older than I am, which is hardly relevant when it comes to waves and friendship, she and I think alike when it comes to beaching it. We certainly are more adventurous when it comes to the ocean than most of my friends in their 30s. Neither Susan nor I are able sit down for ten minutes without wanting to go in the water. She is more daring than I and dives in immediately; I am about two minutes wussier. If there's been a tropical storm or hurricane off the East Coast, she and I will exchange a couple of two-sentence emails prior to Beach Day, "Can't wait for the waves this weekend!" "My board is in the car!!" I like to think that when she and I are old ladies, we'll still be like this. Even better, we'll be retired, have more beach time and we'll already be old and won't care about getting wrinkled in the sun. Sounds like heaven.

While editing this post, I've been able to spend a precious hour at my imaginary beach. The room has been warmer. My smile has been brighter. I still look like a nymph (albeit a nymph in a sweater), and I think I've even gotten a tan. Though my mind, fortunately, has not defaulted to "beach brain," I do feel much that much more relaxed, lucky to have been able to dream of the beach in August on the coldest day in January.